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Sunday, August 02, 2015

Windows 10 Review - Day 4 and WUDO

While it hasn't been perfect, my Windows 10 experience has been pretty damn impressive. Considering I am one of tens of millions of users that upgraded, I have to admit any gripes I have are insignificant considering the daunting scale of this bit-torrent inspired, massive scale canary deployment of the latest OS.

Bit torrent? What? Yeah - in the event you didn't know there is new peer-to-peer bit sharing going on in the background. Called Windows Update Delivery Optimization (WUDO), it might be a bit of a bandwidth nibbler for those of us under a bad cable providers metered data caps.

What's that, you say? Shot - I didn't know that! Yeah - expect the privacy and disclosure bombs to drop in steadily for a bit. When you think about it, it makes too much sense not to do. A distributed torrent model makes highest and best use of largely otherwise vestigial resources. But its the kind of thing privacy advocates want out there in your face, ya know?

Good news is that if, like me you will get a bandwidth nastygram from your provider, you can disable in the Advanced options of "Let me choose how updates are delivered", as pictured below:

With the "bad" out of the way, here's something cool I found: visualization of my app reliability. Nestled in settings:

With every turn I keep learning more and more about this neat new OS. I will continue to share in the hops it helps whoever needs the info.

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