Steps to recreate:
- Install Cisco AnyConnect
- Reboot
Followed by the dreaded "Automatic Repair" screen:Using a known good version for Windows 8: anyconnect-win-3.1.01065-pre-deploy-k9
I get a dump after reboot and Windows 8 Pro on Surface Pro has to perform a system recovery.
I downloaded the Windows 8 SDK and did a dumpchk.exe:
BugCheck 7E, {ffffffffc0000005, fffff88003648a23, fffff880031fb1a8, fffff880031fa9e0}
This is an unhandled system thread exception. Dumpchk says the reason is the Cisco filter driver:
Probably caused by : acnamfd.sys ( acnamfd+8a23 )
ACNAMFD.SYS is the following:
Product: Cisco AnyConnect Network Access Manager
Company: Cisco Systems
Description: Cisco AnyConnect Network Access Manager Filter Driver
Working with Microsoft Support, and providing this info on my own, after an hour or so I was told that this is due to a limitation of Surface Pro hardware! Installed all of the latest firmware and drivers - again on my own - and no love. I thought that Surface Pro was the bees knees for road warriors!
What a major bummer. I can't use it for work - it is essentially an RT with bad battery life!
I will post if the story changes. I hope this helps anyone else experiencing the issue.
exactly the same here!!!!!!!
Issue is resolved - new blog post with version needed!
Same here... I downloaded BlueScreenView and pointed the minidump file which highlighted acnamfd.sys+85dc and after some research I ended up on this blog. Thanks !! Surjeet Jubbal
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